15 Ideas Of Small Moon Tattoos

Moon tattoos that are so cool, they’re out of this world! If you love Earth’s pet, the moon, you’ll love these tattoos.The moon has guided humanity for, well, always. Early astronomers (think around 2500 years ago) charted our moon’s phases and it’s progress across the sky. It ties in to mythology, folklore, fantasy and science.

The moon is a pretty large part of human existence. It’s understandable then, that so many people have moon tattoos. The moon represents exploration, dreams, the infinite space. A powerful symbol indeed. Let’s take a look at some of the ways people have paid tribute to our lunar satellite by getting moon tattoos.Here are our 15 Ideas Of Small Moon Tattoos.Enjoy and get inspired!!!

Small Moon Tattoos



Moon and star tattoo

moon tattoos ideas



Small color owl tattoo with a moon

Small color tattoo with a moon

Small Moon Tattoos

small sun, moon and star tattoos



